I know because Ive worked in the Texas Oilfields on Drilling Riggs. Television networks will suspend all programming and carry all day coverage., Another earthquake, possibly in Japan may precede the one that I see coming here. Your email address will not be published. There are other sites also that compare several maps people have seen in dreams.. Ive heard him speak about this and he shared that he believed it would occur so that our nation would be split in two if we ever cause the nation of Israel to be split in two. Some East Tennesseans got an early start to their Wednesday when an earthquake centered in Decatur rattled through the area. April 17, 2016 by Mark Shipowick 181 Comments. When I looked at the clock last, it was 9:11 pm. Today the zone threatens Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee. Wow Donna my heart dropped when you said NYC I have many relatives living there and most of them are sleeping. Illinois,Wisconsin,Ohio,Indiana,Michigan Ive made to understand some of these states will vanish but not all of them God will decide this. Are we on the verge of the fulfillment of his prophecies? 91:1-6, 10-11, 15-16). , You guys love danger! Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176 Give him lots of respect for what gifts he has, spiritual or otherwise and him soar. The U.S. position on the issue is unchanged, Kirby told reporters during a daily briefing at the State Department in Washington. Diana Pulliam In Missouri, the report estimates a direct economic loss of $69 billion dollars and nearly 87,000 damaged buildings. japans was around 60kms deep and i believe tha san andreas is approx 20kms. What you are describing is still many years away. You can spend more time in prayer if youre not one of the fatalities. May the Lord, Bob I have been doing some research on NZ. As he was watching, the ocean turned on its side and poured down on top of the area. Very sobering. Later, after 9/11 happened I made the connection. In the, I too received a warning of judgement to those that call themselves Christians that preach another Jesus as well as, I like Kraken its the exchange I use the most. So there is a gap to be filled in the ring of fire and a quake could hit: Alaska, Vancouver or California. (I think of it as 10 min. I guess we will see. PO BOX 44 Thank you RCT, but I have yet to see/find any of them.. Any specifics? Thank you, WWPs, and all who will take up this assignment. So, without going into all the details. Back in the 1800s when the first big one hit in the area, it made the Mississippi river flow backwards temporarily, and it rang church bells in Canada. And lets not even talk about the subway. Small to medium sized businesses are often hit the hardest with an estimated daily income loss of $3,000 and $23,000, respectively. Greens to yellows indicate moderate to strong shaking; oranges to reds indicate severe to extreme shaking and moderate to heavy damage. So lack of money is not a valid excuse for disobedience. Hands around my ankles and then planted my feet right fast on the ground! That would be absolutely catastrophic. 1066, Explore recent publications by USGS authors, Browse all of Pubs Warehouse by publication type and year, Descriptions of US Geological Survey Report Series, Tecumseh's prophecy: Preparing for the next New Madrid earthquake: A plan for an intensified study of the New Madrid seismic zone. This is not just about territory but also the oil that has been discovered and fracking has already started. The basic single story log buildings, which are in fact a very earthquake resistant type of construction, often shifted or sunk as parts of the areas submerged and flooded. http://preparingfortheperfectstorm.com/john-paul-jacksons-prophetic-headlines/, An earthquake will occur that divides the Mississippi. Been praying for family members who dont know him or have gone astray. http://www.infowars.com/a-new-madrid-earthquake-is-coming-and-america-will-be-shaken-like-never-before/. Cry no more for these people, is what I kept hearing in my spirit Sunday. Glasgow Prophetic Centre Since the faults in the NMSZ are not expressed at the surface, they are not as well understood and are more difficult to study. Yes Francy, its really hard to imagine. In response to Darrell Sansoms post , LOUISVILLE, Ky. The question is not if amassive earthquake will hitmore than a half dozen states that border the Mississippi River, butratherwhenit will happen. Shalom and may God give us mercy, strength, wisdom in this perilous hour. Hi Ole, You should not rely on Google Translate to provide an exact translation of the website. I chose to stay back in ky due to our youngest being a senior in high school. Because we dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High God, we abide under the shadow of the Almighty. My view then zoomed into the state of Georgia, where I saw the word ATLANTA in big, bold, black letters. May the Lord equip you for every good thing for doing His will, and may He work in you what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory for ever and ever (Heb 13:21). S. Renee Felder Since LORD is NOW pouring out HIS SPIRIT, like from the Book of Acts 2 people receiving dreams, and visions in the LAST DAYS. I too have been wondering if anyone else thought these earthquakes could be the precursors to what David Wilkerson described in his vision. Fuji. these earthquakes there are all very shallow. In Christ Jesus. A few years ago when my husband worked in downtown Seattle, he had a dream that he was standing in an office of one of the tallest buildings in Seattle watching a 100 ft. wave coming towards him. Jon Miltimore I believe God will look upon the past 20 years as famine of the Word, as years the cankerworm has eaten, years of self-seeking, years of strangers being exalted in Gods house, years of devilish music, proud preachers, money madness, empire building, years of shallowness. New Eastern Outlook When I think of NYC I dont think of it as really being in an earthquake zone. Damage to the land by flooding, land substance and lateral spread is likely to be extensive and have a large economic impact in the area as it will disrupt farming. A 4.4 magnitude earthquake is a reminder for people to be prepared, said John Bobel, a public informationofficer for the division of emergency management in Kentuckys Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government. Joanie Stahl I have felt for sometime that David was a New Testment prophet. (the word mentioned several things, one being that there is only one Kingdom of God, not our pastors kingdom that he had been building) From Davids article: Some boast we are in revival, that the prosperity message packing auditoriums is Gods Word, that many spiritual children are being born. He documented every case where the US messed with Israel, and we were ALWAYS judged within 24 hours in a way that paralleled what we did to Israel. Except for along the larger floodplains and areas of loose fill materials, the more distant, densely populated urban area of St. Louis is not expected to experience major damage to the land by liquefaction. Last night there was a fairly deep quake off the shore by Mt Fuji. Every year hundreds of small earthquakes occur in the NMSZ, however, most are too small to be felt by humans and can only be detected by sensitive instruments. Yes I have faith that Jer 51:6 is truly a warning from Merciful God and fear I fear God, for He is just, and His warnings are to be heeded. We are praying. I dont know just seemed interesting. . You all have been a great encouragement to us. I have a friend living in Tokyo right now and it concerns me for his sake. GB! The indication of the alert is that Islamic militants have evil plans for that date. Madrid Fault Line erupting in middle of the country. The area includes major cities such as Memphis, Tennessee, St. Louis, Missouri, Little Rock, Arkansas and Evansville, Indiana. See http://youtu.be/87l4512Q4rY. to set your compass to True North.) Yes Lord I pray that You will place your angels in strategic places and that You will keep Your people safe. I heard the Golan heights was one of the most vital areas for the protection and security of Israel because of its location and topography. Many in my own family have had this feeling that something is looming. Take it to the LORD and see if any is correct. You must trust God, even as we are all learning to trust Him more. Those living in the low lying coastal areas or below dams and reservoirs near the epicenter would be at risk. And they shall be I agree, Wiley & Ken. PO Box 176 Immediately I knew that that answered a prophecy from John Paul Jackson. Too much truth for the church to handle. Folks I feel the need to remind many-dont forget pet supplies. Over 40 years ago David Wilkerson, founder of Teen Challenge Ministries andfounding Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City, predicted a mega quake would unexpectedly strike America following one in Japan. (Ps. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. I plead with you all to join me in intense intercession for the NYC area. I understand this will create the massive open water way that looks like a vast ocean occupying the once South and Southeast side of Des Moines. I kept thinking about the movie The Day After Tomorrow where it showed Los Angeles ripped in 2 by a faultline. I take your prophecy seriously though. Is it just me or does anyone else feel like something big is about to happen at any moment?? Im a little less than 6 hours from Memphis, TN (that area is considered to be near the epicenter). He refused to read the articles because he had already convinced himself that I was getting tricked into buying products. He was in front of St.Louis on the water he seemed agitated but I gather he does this along all the Mississippi River. Dana R WebDONATIONS: PayPal emaiI: lionofjudahfire@yahoo.comOn 3/17/19 God said "New Madrid Fault." Thank you Mark for this very timely post. Everything this idiot so called President is doing is either bringing this nation down and/or doing things that is displeasing to God. Cisco, TX 76437, Whistle Blower Jeff Krista Tim Price I suppose it isnt surprising, but the Bible says that we will know a tree by its fruit. David Wilkerson had a very fruitful tree! giant cracks or vast chasms have formed,Already. irinn go Brch, (Ireland Forever)! These songs express just a little of what awaits us, I also reside in Minneapolis/St Paul, Minnesota area. I live right on the New Madrid. The program completely turned his life around. In the last year Ive reviewed his ministry more carefully and I have no doubt that his basic doctrine is sound. . Satan knows and has no issues with mocking God in such a movie because he knows we are asleep. Elaine Tavolacci She also doesnt have internet. PDF documents opened from your Shelley, I hope that you and your family are safe. On 5/23/11 I entered a time of myrrh anointing (like Esthers 6 months with myrrh), ending 70 weeks later on 9/23/12. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the It was a huge oppression and I had to push forward in the spirit 3 times asking what day it was and then He showed me 9-23. Chelsea Hagen Continue to pray for deep repentance and a massive revival, the likes of which the world as never seen. A girl from our home town worked with him at the time he worked with gangs when first going to New York. To the z3news family, God put it on my heart and in my mind yesterday that we should be praying for everyone reading, contributing prophecies and commenting, that Gods grace and protection would abound in their lives- that they would supernaturally escape destruction to be a witness for non-believers. She said main thing to do is pray. Check out Paul Begleys youtube channel: I agree with your statement wholeheartedly. Very familiar too with the vision John Kilpatrick saw. Most of all, as was stated before, please continue to pray saints for God to show mercy and hold back His judgement on NYC and hence the nation and world. When I think about what is going to happen there eventually (the John Paul Jackson headline he saw) it makes me want to cry. There was one part that resonated so true I had to pause and think about a prophetic word my husband was given for the pastor of our former church. The ground was pushed up high in someplaces creating hilly areas of downtown especially by where the Des Moines and Raccoon Rivers use to but now they were 1 . That was back in 1994, over 22 years ago, and still, not a portion has come to pass. God Bless you. Thats a different set of faults than Wednesdays quake in theEast Tennessee Seismic Zone. Keep in mind I was going to Holy Spirit filled churches but no one talked about the end of our world endtimes. Patricia D and Darrell Sansom== YOU were adding the dates Patricia and I was adding the numbers. And the Lord told her to get waterproof boots for hiking, wool socks and wool sweater, rain coat. Approximately 5,500 square miles or about 3.5 million acres of the Mississippi and Ohio river valleys were impacted by landslides, fissures, sandblows, lateral spreads, subsidence, submergence and uplift. Lake Michigan will dump here waters into Chicago and man from yrs 71-73 on Youtube was given a series of dreams concerning Chicago he saw The Great Lakes emptying out into places like The Mississippi flooding states. As she walked past me toward the door I noticed that she was walking more like a man than a woman and then she adjusted her groin area, and I knew that this was definitely not a woman. Peace. also John Kilpatricks vision of the Although this shock was said to be the smallest of the four, it did extensive damage ground deformation, landslides, fissuring, and stream banks caved. (Job 1:10) Greater is He Who is in us than he who is in the world! (1 John 4:4). Mena Lee Grebin posted this earlier today here is the link to the article that she posted on FB.http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.715143. Listen especially to his description at the 10-minute mark referring to spiritual Babylon. I just came across an article on Charisma and immediately thought of Shane Warrens vision about the sequence of events he saw hitting America, particularly the nation splitting earthquake in the center of America which happened as a result of the U.S. dividing Israels land. Keep in mind, the New Madrid quakes of 1811 and 1812 were almost 2,000 times bigger than Wednesdays 4.4 trembler and released almost 90,000 times more energy, according to theU.S. Geological Surveys earthquake calculator. Thomas Harry Required fields are marked *. So foolish and blind! In saying this, I, Phil This is a methodical, well-planned, and well-funded effort to destroy the American middle class, the countrys backbone. A 1991 Missouri State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) and FEMA report estimates damages from a 7.6 magnitude NMSZ earthquake to the Bootheel counties of Mississippi, New Madrid and Pemiscot would be 0.2-2% of their population killed, 1-10% of their population seriously injured, 10%of their buildings collapsed and 30%of their buildings receiving severe structural damage. Silent Warrior (From 2018). For years I have been researching and watching this little known Fault Zone, which scientists say will wreak much havoc in midwest states. Darrel, I checked the map in Patricia D s comment and there does appear to be a southeast component to the island. Developing a disaster contingency plan is essential as nearly three quarters of all companies without one will fail within three after a disaster. If God leads, we go. I have been born again for about 4 years but suffered many spirital attacks afterwards. The Lord hears our cries and I have faith he will reach our loved ones before its too latepraying for you and your family. In addition, hundreds of moderate earthquakes (magnitude 5.0-6.5) and thousands of smaller (magnitude 5.0- 4.0) earthquakes occurred in between the larger earthquakes and continued shaking the area for several months. and all that has been happening. Scot posted about an earthquake on the 18th of April. During Sunday prayer yesterday, as we prayed in the Spirit, I found myself saying Friday. Need a better excuse to cancel elections ? GB all. It would be devastating for a huge amount of people. I believe this is another one! It is His plan. On a side note, the Pacific Northwest is the most un-churched area of the United States. Katherine Lehman Oh and so now with all the other things that have come to pass that even churches banned him from their pulpits because they did not believe him you are saying David did not have a very good accuracy with prophecy? I live near Los Angeles and I have even had a very vivid vision while praying where I felt the room shake. I researched the question a while back to see if the New Madrid fault might affect us should it happen. They say if this one goes that anything west of this freeway is toast. I was exceptionally exhausted last night and opted to have dinner in my room rather than go out for dinner with friends, and I went to bed early. God has warned us, pray for mercy on the unsaved that this shaking will wake them up, and be a time of witness and testimony . The scene quickly changed, and I then saw a LIGHT SWITCH on a wall, with the words ON and OFF written above and below the switch. In 1811 and 1812, a swarm of at least three massive earthquakes struck near New Madrid, the largest of which exceeded a magnitude 8 and caused violent, damaging shaking in an area 10 times larger than did the 1906 earthquake. By selecting a language from the Google Translate menu, the user accepts the legal implications of any misinterpretations or differences in the translation. It is true. I cant find anything about it. Please pray for NYC. Usually all I see are announcements of where shell be speaking. The shows are archived, but you could also see probably them on youtube. In this video, Shane goes into some detail from his prophetic dream(s) about the New Madrid fault line as well as some exciting predictions about the substantial growth in the price of silver. DECLARE A HEDGE OF PROTECTION Depending on the significance of an earthquake, Memphis, Tennessee, would be gone; St. Louis would be wrecked.. Spoke to soon the video Came throughthanks! I was there for the first time a few weeks ago and Its a beautiful city. If this happens, America will be severely punished. It is now about the elections and Fox is now not much better than the other news stations. On Dec. 16, 1811, the first of three major earthquakes and numerous aftershocks struck what is now known as the New Madrid Seismic Zone, a series of How about an excuse for the UN peace keepers to come ashore. It was then that I saw that my son was already in the process of alerting authorities. Nate Johnston Address: We started having many, many earthquakes. Our souls prosper because we meditate in Gods Word day and night. Uplifts in the ground gave observers the impression that the Mississippi river was flowing backwards! Some people may not know how to pray concerning these things; many have never been taught their Authority as a Believer, so here is an excerpt from one of my books if you need some direction. osvaldo benavides y tatiana su esposa, Madrid Fault Line erupting in middle of the most high God, we abide under the shadow the. Without one will fail within three after a disaster agree with your statement wholeheartedly side and poured down top... 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