The boat dived out of control after she broached, reaching an indicated depth of 265 metres (869ft), well below her design depth rating of 150 metres (490ft), before she stabilised without any damage. In the end, the TV idea was dropped, but Mr Mearns still hopes an expedition can be mounted by someone. HMS Barham floating on side at sea. Nov 24, 2021. Beatty then altered course to the east, as he was still too far north to cut Hipper off. She was briefly deployed to Haifa in May 1936 at the beginning of the Arab revolt in Palestine. U-331 was not attacked by the escorting destroyers and reached port on 3 December. HMS Barham was a 35,000-ton battleship built for World War I but had had an extensive refit in the 1930s. "By the time we got on deck, the ship was listing at a 45 degree angle. The main conning tower was protected by 13 inches (330mm) of armour. U-331 thus passed through the screen and was in a position to fire her torpedoes after the leading ship, Queen Elizabeth, had passed her by and the second ship, Barham, was closing rapidly. We've also got a detailed model of the Athenia. A salvo of torpedoes from a German submarine struck from close range on HMS Barham on November 25, 1941 in the Mediterranean. [45], Barham fired 337 fifteen-inch shells and 25 six-inch shells during the battle. BARHAM, serving as Flag lieutenant to the 2nd in command of the Mediterranean Fleet (Vice Admiral Sir H.D. Experience the final moments of the Queen Elizabeth Battleship, HMS Barham, when it was struck by torpedoes from a German submarine during World War II which resulted in a terrifying explosion. While the other four ships of the Queen Elizabeth class were given a second, more extensive refit in the mid-to-late 1930s (which for Warspite, Valiant and Queen Elizabeth amounted to a complete reconstruction with new machinery and superstructures), changes to Barham were relatively minor. [57] Now under the command of Captain Richard Scott,[53] Barham was assigned to the Home Fleet as the flagship of the 2nd Battle Squadron,[54] and deployed to the West Indies in JanuaryFebruary 1935 for training. The turbines were rated at 75,000 shaft horsepower (56,000kW) and intended to reach a maximum speed of 25 knots (46.3km/h; 28.8mph). By the afternoon the submarine and the 1st Battle Squadron were on reciprocal courses and Tiesenhausen ordered his boat to battle stations around 16:00. Casualties were five dead and six wounded. [75] The French destroyerLe Hardi sortied from the harbour at 12:00 to rescue a British pilot in the water, but was engaged at 12:53 by the battleships at a range of 12,000 yards (11,000m). "The sinking of the SS Athenia, a civilian liner, was significant not only as the first British shipping loss of the war but as an example of a Nazi attempt to promote 'fake news'. After several minutes it became apparent that the squadron was not conforming to Beatty's other ships, but Evan-Thomas refused to change course until clear instructions had been received despite entreaties from the Barham's captain. She became a private ship in January of that year and was refitted at Portsmouth Royal Dockyard in FebruaryJuly. Experience the HMS Barham explosion after being struck by torpedo in 4K resolution at 50 fps and in color! During the third week in November, 1941, there was evidence that two convoys were being despatched from Italy to Benghazi to reinforce the Africa Korps. [88] Repairs were completed six weeks later on 30 July and the ship returned to Alexandria in August where she resumed her role as flagship of the 1st Battle Squadron. This is another problematic issue in which sources differ to which Gordon devotes an entire chapter. After some time we came to a Carley float, to which about six of our shipmates were clinging. More Disasters Caught on Camera: PATH'S STORY Before television, people came to movie theatres to watch the news. Shortly after her return to the Mediterranean, Barham again became flagship of the 1st Battle Squadron in September after her sister Warspite had to return home for repairs after running aground. Completed in 1915, she was often used as a flagship and participated in the Battle of Jutland during the First World War as part of the Grand Fleet. Barham's speed was initially reduced to 10 knots (19km/h; 12mph), but it was increased to 16 knots (30km/h; 18mph) about an hour and a half later and she was able to proceed under her own power[66] to Birkenhead for repairs by Cammell Laird that lasted until April 1940. The Royal Navy's Room 40 had intercepted and decrypted German radio traffic containing plans of the operation. 271, 275, 27980, 284, 286290, Campbell 1986, pp. [33] About three minutes later, the ship opened fire on the battlecruiser SMSvon der Tann at a range of about 23,000 yards (21,000m). One was mounted above the conning tower, protected by an armoured hood, and the other was in the spotting top above the tripod mast. BARHAM was torpedoed by U.331 and lost off the Western Desert of Egypt - off Sollum and Sidi Barrani. [18][19][Note 2] Barham cost a total of 2,470,113. [84] Barham became the flagship of the 1st BS in December. [89] The following morning, the German submarineU-331, commanded by Oberleutnant zur See Hans-Diedrich von Tiesenhausen, detected the faint engine noises of the British ships and moved to intercept. One of these hits also started several major fires inside the hull. [78] The severe damage to Resolution caused Operation Menace to be abandoned and Barham had to tow her to Freetown for temporary repairs, before escorting a convoy to Gibraltar where she arrived on 15 October where her own damage was repaired. The main armament could be controlled by 'B' turret as well. [1] Force B consisted of two cruiser squadrons, 7 and 15, with the cruisers HMS Ajax, HMS Euryalus, HMS Galatea, HMS Naiad, and HMS Neptune, with escorting destroyers. The ships had multiple armoured decks that ranged from 1 to 3 inches (25 to 76mm) in thickness. Hipper ordered his ships to turn to starboard, away from the British, to assume a south-easterly course, and reduced speed to 18 knots (33km/h; 21mph) to allow three light cruisers of the 2nd Scouting Group to catch up. Print This Page. In addition the torpedo-control tower aft was replaced by an air-defence position during that same refit. [47] On the evening of 18 August, the Grand Fleet put to sea in response to a message deciphered by Room 40 that indicated that the High Seas Fleet, minus II Squadron, would be leaving harbour that night. Duchess capsized and sank, with the loss of 124 of her crew. P.W and staff moved to MALAYA and QUEEN ELIZABETH, and Rear Admiral B.S. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain declared war on 3 September, 1939. Three minutes later, she sighted the topmasts of Vice-Admiral Reinhard Scheer's battleships, but did not report this for another five minutes. Craske), the Admiral and S.W.O. The loss of the crew was sensational news in the mid-19th . Her complete service history can be found. While covering the evacuation of Crete the following day, the ship was attacked by Junkers Ju 88 bombers from II./LG (Demonstration Wing) 1 and Heinkel He 111 bombers of II./KG (Bomber Wing) 26. Second World War (1939-1945) Sidi Barrani. The BdU (Commander Submarines) noted in his war diary the rather jubilant: U331 1 battleship torpedoed in the Mediterranean. Completed in 1915, she was often used as a flagship and participated in the Battle of Jutland during the First World War as part of the Grand Fleet. I assumed that this had happened because the submarine Captain had fired all his bow tubes at once, and had not compensated quickly enough with seawater to keep the conning tower below the surface. The ship was in the Mediterranean when the Second World War began in September 1939 and accidentally collided with and sank one of her escorting destroyers, HMS Duchess, on her voyage home three. Life on the Line Podcasts search wreck . BARHAM was torpedoed by U.331 and lost off the Western Desert of Egypt off Sollum and Sidi Barrani. She later became the flagship of Force M's commander, Vice-Admiral John Cunningham. Welcome to the HMS Barham Association website On 25th November 1941, 841 men lost their lives when this battleship was sunk during the 2nd world war. BARHAM's explosion after being torpedoed. Barham was herself was struck twice during the "Run to the South": the first was a 28.3-centimetre (11in) shell from von der Tann that failed to do any damage when it hit the waterline armour and the battlecruiser SMSLtzow fired a 30.5-centimetre (12in) shell that detonated in the aft superstructure. While under repair in December1939 March1940, a 20-barrel Unrotated projectile (UP) rocket launcher was installed on the roof of 'B' turret and her HACS Mk I directors were replaced with Mk III models. Evan-Thomas turned northeast at around 18:06 and then made a slow turn to the southeast once he spotted the Grand Fleet. After temporary repairs at Scapa, Barham was sent to Cromarty Firth for more permanent repairs in the floating dry dock there that lasted until 23 December. His expertise means he has been appointed as a judge on the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE, a $7m incentive to get engineering groups to develop innovative seafloor mapping technologies and strategies. You can see all the lifeboats. Barham's signallers were unable to read the signal and her officer of the watch presumed that it was the expected point zigzag to the left of the base course and signalled that course change to the rest of the squadron. On the other hand, the British knew exactly where the Italians were, thanks to their radar-equipped ships. A very detailed account by a surviving officer of her loss is at this link. This increased her metacentric height to about 7 feet (2.1m) at deep load, despite the increase in her deep displacement to 35,970 long tons (36,550t). This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. [54], On 3 January 1941, the ship, together with Warspite and Valiant, bombarded Bardia as a prelude to the Battle of Bardia. Experience the final moments of the Queen Elizabeth Battleship, HMS Barham, when it was struck by torpedoes from a German submarine during World War II which resulted in a terrifying explosion.. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. 340, 346, 349, 354355, 358, Jones, pp. At 14:15, Beatty ordered a turn north by east to rendezvous with the Grand Fleet. [61], Barham remained part of the Mediterranean Fleet at the outbreak of the Second World War in September 1939. The sonar contact matches the dimensions of the Athenia in all details, When she left Liverpool on 2 September, three-quarters of her passengers were women and children, A Punch magazine cartoon: No-one in Britain accepted the German explanation, The Athenia still draws interest because of the many stories associated with the sinking, Built in Glasgow: The city has an exhibition at the Riverside Museum, The five other wrecks David Mearns would like to investigate, At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece. On 26 March, the Italian fleet sortied in an attempt to intercept British convoys to Greece. First published on Mon 12 Sep 2016 11.41 EDT. The following morning, they were spotted by an aircraft from the carrier Formidable and the Battle of Cape Matapan began. When VE Day arrived, he was escorting an Arctic convoy north of Norway. The fleet sailed in concert with Rear Admiral Franz von Hipper's five battlecruisers and supporting cruisers and torpedo boats. Our own inner-world is largely unexplored," Mr Mearns told BBC News. The latter was only struck by a single shell splinter before the Allies broke off the bombardment at 10:07, although she had hit Barham once with a 155mm (6.1in) shell[74] that blew a hole 4 feet (1.2m) in diameter in the bulge. The impacts drove in the plates and fragments caused much flooding by damaging the surrounding structure. On 25 November 1941 one of the heaviest losses of life, and the only loss of a Royal Navy battleship to a submarine at sea, occurred off Bardia, when HMS Barham was torpedoed at extremely short range by U-331, and sank within four minutes. A High-Angle Control System (HACS) Mk I director were added to the roof of the spotting top and the mainmast was reconstructed as a tripod to support the weight of a second HACS director. The Queen Elizabeth-class ships were designed to form a fast squadron for the fleet that was intended to operate against the leading ships of the opposing battleline. The last shell passed all the way through the ship without detonating; it struck and dislodged a 100-millimetre (3.9in) armour plate on the waterline on the other side of the ship that caused also some flooding. Shortly after 4.00 pm I was on the Admirals Bridge. Two of the others detonated upon striking the waterline armour, but failed to penetrate. Barham, now assigned to the 1st BS, and Malaya were detached to refuel at Souda Bay, Crete, before sailing for Alexandria, reaching there on 14 November. "There was my friend Ted Clow, from Oadby, but he died last December, aged 93.". [83] As part of Operation Collar in late November, Barham, Malaya and the carrier HMSEagle covered the forces rendezvousing with a convoy coming from Gibraltar. 101102, 108110, 115116, 134142, Campbell 1986, pp. [54] Captain James Somerville relieved Monroe on 1 December and he was relieved in his turn on 16 March 1929 by Captain John C. During this refit, the aft superstructure was rebuilt and the torpedo-control tower and its rangefinder were removed, together with the aft set of torpedo tubes. [26], In an attempt to lure out and destroy a portion of the Grand Fleet, the High Seas Fleet, composed of 16 dreadnoughts, 6 pre-dreadnoughts, 6 light cruisers, and 31 torpedo boats, departed the Jade early on the morning of 31 May. The video of HMS Barhams loss can seen here, in the context of the overall newsreel. As the British battleships were manoeuvring to take up their positions, the submarine Bvziers fired a spread of four torpedoes at a range of 2,700 yards (2,500m). The ship was in the Mediterranean when the Second World War began in September 1939, on her voyage home three months later, she accidentally collided with and sank one of her escorting destroyers, HMSDuchess. [100] The crew are commemorated by a memorial bench, located in Nothe Gardens, Weymouth. 137144, 2-pounder (40mm (1.6in)) Mk VIII "pom-pom",, HMS Barham Explodes & Sinks: World War II (1941), List of dreadnought battleships of the Royal Navy,, World War I battleships of the United Kingdom, World War II battleships of the United Kingdom, Ships sunk by German submarines in World War II, World War II shipwrecks in the Mediterranean Sea, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 5,000nmi (9,260km; 5,750mi) at 12 knots (22km/h; 14mph), This page was last edited on 4 January 2023, at 00:34. The enemy struck at 4.25pm as Richard was on a tea break and talking with a friend. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The aim of this blog is to accompany the preparation of a complete history incorporating the Axis and Commonwealth perspectives of the Winterschlacht (Winter Battle) in North Africa, November 1941 to February 1942. She departed Scapa Flow that day, escorted by four destroyers,[68] and rendezvoused with the troop convoy en route to Gibraltar[69] where she arrived on 2 September. The list of men lost is at this link. [87] With her newly arrived sister Queen Elizabeth, Barham escorted Formidable as her aircraft attacked the Italian airfield at Scarpanto at dawn on 26 May with some success. petrol. When Richard came round, he was underwater. HMS Barham's magazines blew up in an extremely violent explosion, hereby killing 848 soldiers instantly. Earlier in the day there had been a couple of Air Raid warnings, and reports of enemy aircraft Shadowers, but nothing of particular consequence. She was powered by two sets of Brown-Curtis steam turbines, each driving two shafts using steam from 24 Yarrow boilers. [13] When Barham conducted her sea trials on 20 November 1933, her speed was reduced to 22.5 knots (41.7km/h; 25.9mph) from 65,655shp (48,959kW). [29][Note 4], Hipper's battlecruisers spotted the Battlecruiser Fleet to their west at 15:20, but Beatty's ships did not see the Germans to their east until 15:30. While sailing eastwards, the aircraft carrier Illustrious was detached from the main body to attack Taranto on the night of 11/12 November, damaging three Italian battleships. Barham quickly capsized to port and was lying on her side when a massive magazine explosion occurred about four minutes after she was torpedoed and sank her. 201202, Edmunds, Simeon. The interrogation report following the sinking of U-331 in late 1942 give further detail of the sinking of HMS Barham at this link. Forthcoming Infantrymen of the Air (Italian airborne), George Burling Jarett and the 75mm ammunition challenge. Richard Laland is one of only two survivors from the doomed battleship HMS Barham still alive today. The ship had a range of 5,000 nautical miles (9,260km; 5,754mi) at a cruising speed of 12 knots (22.2km/h; 13.8mph). If it happened, British Path filmed it. This was replaced by a torpedo rangefinder in early 1928 when the permanent position was installed in the remodelled spotting top. Beatty continued south for another two minutes to confirm the sighting before ordering his force to turn north, towards the Grand Fleet in what came to be known as the "Run to the North". Her complete service history can be found at this link. "The Germans were at the gates of Alexandria at that time and we were accompanying destroyers trying to stop their supplies," said Richard, who lives off Groby Road. 862 men went down with her, and her end was filmed by a war correspondent on board one of the escorting destroyers. Within four minutes, the battleship had listed over to Port and the ships magazines had exploded, sinking the battleship and killing 863 men. 862 men went down with her, and her end was filmed by a war correspondent on board one of the escorting [80], Barham, two cruisers, and three destroyers also assigned to the Mediterranean Fleet were designated Force F as part of Operation Coat, one of a complex series of fleet movements in the Mediterranean. Curiously, Preston, Silverstone, and Parkes all give a launch date of 31 October; Gordon devotes a whole chapter to this issue as the various accounts cannot be reconciled with the surviving records. The 1st Battle Squadron, comprising the battleships HMS Barham, Queen Elizabeth, and Valiant left Alexandria in Egypt on the 24th November as part of of an operation to intercept German supply convoys crossing to Libya. Richard will be reading the Royal British Legion epitaph, "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old", at Buckminster Road Baptist Church on Sunday, during the act of remembrance. [54] Captain Henry Horan assumed command on 28 July 1937, although he only remained in command until 22 April 1938 when he was relieved by Captain Algernon Willis. The hits on Seydlitz mostly opened up more holes that facilitated the flooding. Hindered by poor visibility, no significant damage was inflicted and Richelieu was not hit before the bombardment was called off after 20 minutes. She was present when the High Seas Fleet surrendered for internment on 21 November. During this time BARHAM was bombed and severely damaged by the Luftwaffe and had to go to Capetown for extensive repairs. [96] The sinking was captured on film by a cameraman from Path News, aboard Valiant. [16] The ship, named after Admiral Charles Middleton, 1st Baron Barham,[17] was laid down at their Clydebank shipyard on 24 February 1913 and launched on 31 December 1914. "I was disorientated but reached out and felt the ship. On 612 May, she covered the Alexandria-Malta convoy of Operation Tiger. The number of hits cannot be confirmed, but it is believed that she and Valiant made 23 or 24 hits between them, making them two of the most accurate warships in the British fleet. The battleships were providing distant cover to the light cruisers of Force B[1], engaged in searching for the German merchantsMaritzaandProcida (see also this link and this link). "We looked at each other and said, 'right, let's get up top!'. "We were standing by a ladder two decks below on the mess deck when there was a huge explosion," he said. He replied, 'it's gone'.". Fritz Julius Lemp commanded submarines for another two years. They and the sacrifice they made will never be forgotten. [25] On 21 May, the 5th Battle Squadron was attached to Beatty while his 3rd Battlecruiser Squadron was detached for gunnery training and arrived at Rosyth the following day. In preparation for Operation Menace, a British naval attack on Dakar, Senegal, prior to a planned landing by the Free French, the ship was detached from the Home Fleet on 28 August and was assigned to Force M, the Royal Navy component of the operation. The 92-year-old, from Leicester, miraculously escaped death when the ship was sunk by a German U-boat torpedo off the coast of Egypt on November 25, 1941. [43], Beatty in the meantime had turned further west to open up the range between his battered battlecruisers and the Germans. On 24 May, the fleet conducted another demonstration off Horns Reef to keep German attention focused on the North Sea. The torpedo from U-30 struck the Athenia at 7:38 that evening. British Path was at the forefront of cinematic journalism, blending information with entertainment to popular effect. These two hits were ultimately responsible for the massive flooding that nearly sank the ship after the battle. I was trying to push myself away when I got blown away by this massive explosion as the magazine went up. She sailed south through the Suez Canal to Mombasa, Kenya, where her damage was inspected. At 17:45 he turned eastwards to take his position in front of the Grand Fleet and re-engage Hipper's ships. (1966). "It always takes me back to that day in November 1941," he said. [62] On 12 December, she accidentally rammed one of her escorts, the destroyer Duchess, in thick fog nine miles (14km) west of the Mull of Kintyre. "I didn't know which way was up or down and thought that was it, I'm going to die I had given up and remember thinking, I hope it's quick.". Towards the end of 1941, the Med Fleet was experiencing some ups and downs, as the Luftwaffe became increasingly active and aggressive during the advance of General Rommel (the Desert Fox) and his Afrika Korps across the Western Desert towards Alexandria. Now considered to be the finest newsreel archive in the world, British Path is a treasure trove of 85,000 films unrivalled in their historical and cultural significance.British Path also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. The British had recently broken the Italian codes and sailed after dark on the 27th to intercept the Italians. This meant that the 5th Battle Squadron and the light cruisers were the sole targets available for the German ships until after his turn, although the worsening visibility hampered both sides' shooting. She was sunk during the Second World War on 25 November 1941 by the German submarine U-331 . Kapitaenleutnant Freiherr von Tiesenhausen, who did a radio broadcast on this attack in December 1941. A few months later, now under the command of Captain Richard Hill,[53] the ship again retained her position as the 1st Battle Squadron was split in two and the Queen Elizabeths of the new 1st Battle Squadron were transferred to the Mediterranean Fleet on 1 November 1924. BARHAM, on November 25, 1941!!!. The anti-torpedo bulge was essentially destroyed adjacent to the strike, with four men killed and two wounded. The British and the German fleets returned home; the British lost two cruisers to submarine attacks, and one German dreadnought had been torpedoed. Contents 1 Service 1.1 First World War 2 six-inch gun. [54] Dalglish was relieved in his turn by Captain Percy Noble on 18 October 1922. [48], She was refitted at Cromarty between February and March 1917[47] and King George V inspected the ship on 22 June at Invergordon. [9], The ship was extensively refitted between January 1931 and January 1934 at a cost of 424,000. 713 x 435. The latter was succeeded by Captain Richard Horne on 1 October. She was the flagship of the 1st Battle Squadron and of the Second in Command of the Mediterranean Fleet, 1941. The S.G.O (Cdr. Merlin Burrows have found and pin-pointed the exact location of the wreck of HMS Barham - a Queen Elizabeth-class battleship built for the Royal Navy in February 1913. Went up more Disasters Caught on Camera: https: // Path 's STORY Before television, people to... Fleet sailed in concert with Rear Admiral Franz von Hipper 's ships Path news aboard. 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