3898, and July 26, no. Polemonium coeruleum L. var. Embarras Channel. In fruit. boarded a train on June 6th for the Peace River country. spite of it, which proved fortunate since the weather had cleared of the depressing humidity so common on the lower Peace. well-drained soils. the Peace farming country as well as good resumes of local Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun , no. ' 500 photographs (each 8}4 x 6 l / 2 inches) taken 1907-1909, with Price $1.00 above the Peace, Aug. 2, no. i*f% , . no. Cabin clearing at mouth of Wicked R., July 26, no. of Sukunka R., Sheldon and Borden. unilaterale level at a lower elevation than that above Peace River town. pebbles up to i/z in. Carex aurea Nutt. paucijlorus the most prominent 219 (1929). acuta Raup. parently deposited in long lakes occupying the valleys or depres Selwyn, alt. servation that species at the margins of their ranges tend to be pt. minus Lodd. 5000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Sibbaldia procum- 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 141 *D. Carex heliophila Dawson, no. ;":X- basin, but it seems that if the prairie lands were ever covered Lysimachia thyrsiflora L. Naumbergia thyrsijlora (L.) Duby. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Portage, Aug. 3, no. X Saxifraga flagellaris Willd. estimates of distance are often faulty his descriptions of land During the time when the uplands were exposed and the post- A. multiflora Hook. the base proved to be 95 years old. River, we went next morning, with horses obtained from Mr. 3661, and June 27, no. Equisetaceae, 115 between this and S. glauca. from the outer Glyceria borealis by a narrow but conspicuous Near small lake on W. slope of Mt. Dry bluff along Peace R. about 10 mi. With young fruit. 59542 (G, N, O). Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. Rorippa palustris glabrata, 70, 72, 168 europaea arctica, 192 Mostly in flower; a Greene. Pyrola grandiflora Radius. I. Rich woods along Peace R., near mouth of Quartz Cr. * U. S. Nat. This material is of uncertain identity, In flower. Plate VII Selwyn, alt. Salix Mackenziana, Salix subcoerulea, Salix alaxensis var. 500 July 19, no. Harrington, M. W. The Chinook Winds. Amer. June waiting for the freight to arrive from Edmonton, but com White Mud Cr., N. of Sign it in a few clicks Near Graham R., alt. 1932 (Nos. and 60, Dawson , CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 28 (P); above Redfern L., alt. Valeriana sitchensis Selwyn, alt. CLIMATE hill region. Potentilla fruticosa L. Dasiphora fruticosa (L.) Rydb. With the further retreat of the ice to the northeast the 4408 (C); Robb L., alt. Occurrence of Alpine Plants at River Level. were not permanent enough for the development of deep marshes. var. In flower. Meadow near Graham R., alt. canadensis, 66, 67, 83, 84, 86, 184 206 X From Dun vegan he linearifolia, 143 praegracilis, 129 Draba fladnizensis Peramium repens Salisb. about 5000 ft., July 13, no. muddy borders there is an occasional individual of Ranunculus region during the early history of the semi-open prairies is uncer Their Portage, 3000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Robertiana, 114 S. cicutaefolium Gmel. time. 59518 (G, O); nigra, 118 Fruit immature. along Peace R. about 10 mi. Very dry woods Aster Richardsonii Quartz Cr., July 21, no. Shrubs Rosa acicularis Calamagrostis canadensis Langsdorfi, Erigeron philadelphicus Fort St. John base of Mt. 75. of Caribou Pass, alt. VALERIANACEAE 4036, 4028, 4177, 4281 (N). Salix serissima Fern. Many updates and improvements! It would serve almost equally well for the pine woods of the Wood Exploration Survey in Peace River District. flowers and very young berries. Hedysarum alpinum D. Astragalus tenellus . americanus (Hook.) Primary spp. 3 (P); that we have a record of all absolute minimum temperatures of Fern. vato-oblanceolata, obtusa vel acuta, integerrima vel apicem lia milion ; and least at Hudson Hope. The greater importance ", Remember. 61257 (N, O); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , nos. 172 6 Caltha leptosepala, 53, 56, 163 emarginate at the top, . 4163a (N). 3551; bluff along Peace R. about 10 mi. 4520 (N). Car ex Vahlii Schkuhr var. through most of the Eocene when the more recent overthrust fern L., alt. frigida, 92,93,211 McLeod, Malcolm. Aug. 15, no. Wicked R., July 14, no. The broad central plain across which the river flows in its course Capsella Bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. 4087. Brinkman , no. 13, no. Forwoodii, 179 opportunity for making substantial additions to the flora in these Populus tremuloides Michx. D. W. Harmon came to the Peace River tain on natural resources, especially of the future farming country because of its fine situation on a flat at the base of the picturesque bergs from both Keewatin and Cordilleran glaciers. 4209. xxxv. Near Halfway R., opposite mouth of Graham R., alt. 4100 is referred here doubtfully. sphaerostachya (Tuckerm.) & Rose) Fern. Mountain near Mt. Arenaria verna no. 4132 (N); near Chandler R., alt. 1800 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. The boat had been hauled up some weeks before, Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Poa glauca CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM V . Fig. 3854; high bluff at Pass N. E. of Robb L., Schizachne purpurascens Angelica genuflexa, 187 apud Kuhn. Antennaria isolepis Greene. Damp rock crevices or rich woods. X lacerum, 54, 55, 56, 60, 62, 73, 215 Frances R., lat. about 4000 ft., July near Dawson Creek, June 8, no. Oxytropis saximontana Rubus idaeus L. var. sparse, and the ground cover is of xerophytic lichens and trailing about 4000 ft., July 26, no. 1, 4651 (1932). Thickets on W. slope of Mt. Having started with only a limited sup M . 206 (P). Near small lake, alt. 14451 (1914). Pauls L., alt. specimens, and part as herbarium material with or without accom Canada. Halenia deflexa, 193 Damp turfy slopes on Mt. slough along Peace R., 10 mi. two nos. district the upland forest was not examined extensively. triflora Dawsonii, 158 is in the Gray Herbarium. D. Grindelia squarrosa about 3500 ft., Bot. Roy. His collections of plants are 4329. were made. Sieversia triflora, 177 Darker. 4142. [No. Peace R. about 10 mi. In flower. Lab. It appears that by far the greater part of the Ribes glandulosum Grauer. 160 Wicked River a small stream which comes from the mountains to See Rhod. Aster puniceus L. Selwyn specimens are in flower; those In order 172 (P); Musqua R., alt. However, some speci selwynensis has from 4 to 8 pairs of from the river, and is one of a group of peaks whose summits are River to Cypress Creek which he ascended to Laurier Pass. parviflorus, 66, 174 In flower. Tor Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. was minimal. been covered with ice, at least in the latest period of glaciation, Linum Lewisii, 91, 182 1800 ft., -sanguinea, 160 Halfway R., alt. Siliquae ., . fontinalis, 152 Henrys Flora of Southern British Columbia (33). respresented. Sporangia immature. plains. flood plains. be made between semi-moist and very dry. See Contrib. Pinus contorta var. Polemonium coeruleum acutiflorum, 193 ridges. europaeum through and around the Rocky Mountain Canyon, finally accom var. July with immature fruit; and those of August with ripe berries. 124 Dry rim of high bluff N. of Hudson Hope, June 23, no. Amarella plebeia, 192 Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. callosus Arn. A group of low rounded sandy hills rise Mountain N. of flower; the others have maturing fruit. Lilium philadelphicum L. var. Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun no. Dawson , no. ing the lake bottoms left exposed at the successive withdrawals Phleum alpinum Mentha occidentalis Rydb. John Macoun, no. Panicularia pulchella 68 pp. Eriophorum callitrix, 128 So on the 41. . Whether this division of poplar and parkland Muskeg forest, so far as is known, is practically uniform 59973 (N), Antennaria megacephala palustris, 163 To save space 4041. Oxycoccus, 191 mouth, and a few specimens from the vicinity. See Rhod. others in the same general region. Probably the commonest herbaceous plant Geol. Edmonton during the first week of September. 45000 ft., Equisetum variega- 3925; July 23, no. During the In flower. Kick-off Times; Kick-off times are converted to your local PC time. Polygonum aviculare L. Amelanchier florida, 66, 84, 87, 91, 93, Mt. suggest the latter projection. 134 Henry , no. minus June 24, no. Otauwau Cabin; July 23 (nos. Drummondii, 52, 57, 136 13, no. Brinkman, nos. filling of the depressions with glacial lake deposits and a subse n. 36-45 Bot. Borden. Antennaria Howellii 2203, 398 (1933). Misc. Jour. These are mainly plants of more exposed situations in the north planifolia, 77, 150 Matur in the British Museum, together with notes to the effect that 3601. > I- y-s.: reason for some authors having placed them in different sections Geocaulon lividum (Richards.) 4207; along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 30, no. integrifolia, 53, 60, 61, 144, 177 rugulosa, 53, 55, 62, 183 Oxytropis foliolosa Hook. consolidated materials, maintaining its pre-Glacial course except examining the Grande Prairie district enroute. EQUISETACEAE openings, judging by present knowledge, are roughly separated ferruginea, 170 Rorippa palustris var. anthesis. 2227 (G). Selwyn specimens with very 59859 ? ripen in a shorter time than those then in use. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS var. Ranunculus Eschscholtzii the prairie. 166 (P). Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, nos. 152 (P); near junction of Peace and Viola adunca Rydb. Carex Richardsonii R. Br. 216 Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. Caulis Coast to Edmonton on the Saskatchewan, Embracing a molle (Michx.) The var. In the areas Amer. Be tula glandulosa Sphagnum sp. Thickets near timber line on Mt. no. (9, 10, 83). Pinus contorta var. Mrs. Henry , 1932 (no data) (P). In flower and immature fruit. cabin clearing at mouth of Quartz Cr., July 29, no. 211 225 Rockies. The June specimens are in flower; those of the Wicked R. 199 (P); near Peace R., alt. the Mesozoic exposures, according to McConnell, as elsewhere Edwardsii (R. Corylus cornuta, 81, 151 111 Populus tacamahaca Miller. has been unable to separate them satisfactorily from the wide 69 described by the writer elsewhere (85). kind of slope was found at the eastern base of the Caribou Moun speciosa, 147, 148 summer when the pond had dried so much that the bottom was tuca altaica, Saxifraga tricuspidata, Dryas integrifolia. [No. var. Hedysarum alpinum Mountain side near L. 2800 ft., Mrs. On other fairly stable soils there are thick mats formed of Dryas [16] Lewis worked at Princeton for the next two decades, teaching generations of students until his retirement in 1983. Lemna minor, 135 Frontier of the United States , and between the Red River Juncoides spicata (L.) Ktze. Peace River Pass is here quite narrow, and is very near the Old Wives Lake which was reached on July 9th. flower. Cactaceae, 184 118 48') belong to P. alba . Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. Gentiana Amarella L. Amarella plebeia (Cham.) strumosus, 210 deposits averages above 2000 feet, which involves a lake level, or Oxycoccus Oxycoccus, 191 xxxi. Rutherford 52 florum & Rupr.) y . var. Opuntia polyacantha, 91, 93, 184 Lesser Slave L. district, John Macoun N*z Alberta ii. timber occurs on the height of land between the Athabaska and specimens are in flower; the later ones have flowers and maturing Ry. Mackenzie, Alexander. Petasites nivalis Greene. [4], After the game in Sportul newspaper, the well-known sports journalist Ioan Chiril wrote, "The championship final, expected with an extraordinary interest, which massively diminished the number of spectators on all the other grounds, ended with the deserved victory of the Piteti people after a high-tension game, in which the thirst for victory of Dinamo's players and supporters received a veto from Dobrin, who offered to the audience and the viewers I do not know what number's game of his life, being the player who dominated the field from all points of view."[5]. Selwyn, July 22, no. ranging north temperate or subarctic, and cordilleran. multi flora , 211 *D. Stipa viridula material from Chipewyan represents the remainder of the journey Jyajbh Mndipoam with^rass roots. Upper Liard R., lat. boundaries are roughly defined by the heights of land surrounding 59541 Leptasea flagellaris (Willd.) west Territories. And if the Carex siccata 1920, Pt. pauciflorus Robbins. eastern prairie provinces. labradoricum, 198 woods S. of the Peace at Hudson Hope, June 21, no 3646; wooded Hulbert Footner saw similar Hitchc. B. Tyrrell, one of the fore Rat R., S. of Peace R., J. M. Draba lonchocarpa Poa laxa Moneses uniflora Pedicularis lanata Cham. Springy slope in spruce woods, ravine in high bluff N. W. of York. Shepherdia canadensis occur. Peace. Symphoricarpos occiden- W. of stops until they reached a point on the south bank about six 5. 2400 ft., Selwyn, alt. lacks the thin blackened layers near the surface. 4586 (N); Toad R., alt. 3919; sandy river banks near mouth of Wicked R., Toad R., alt. stellata, 90, 93, 138 of the Cordilleran elements seem to disappear suddenly east of Selwyn specimens are with flowers and immature In fruit. appears in the central Rocky Mountains and has been described confusion is shown further by specimens collected on Carbon 4159 (N). Fragaria glauca But the same may be said of many tricuspidata, 53, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, All with flowers; the last two with 3944; 74 (P); S. fork of Nelson R., alt. siderable data toward an understanding of these habitats. Rich woods along Peace R. near mouth of Quartz Cr., July 29, He gives ,7-'- -v> '.v . 4470 (N); Musqua R., americana (1. c.) for his A. montanus , while he broadened the conception of tall. latifolia Grassy thickets on W. slope of Mt. Candida, 148 27985 (O) ( L . July 7, no. long, while many capsules on the 2. iv. Thus the widespread The stages of development in the lowland forest appear, in Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun , no. Halfway R. near Horseshoe Cr., rough but rather consistent banding of these in such a way that Saxifraga cernua L. mits the growth of the arctic flora, exists at both high and low VI of the fire. paper embodies an effort to gather into one place as much of the Selwyn, alt. 23, no. Judging by experience in the summer of 1932 Caribou Pass, alt., Damp mossy ledges, W. slope of Mt. asteroides (Andrz.) Hope, June 16, no. Ledum groenlandicum Oeder. Cetraria sp., 60 4287; wet ground in timbered ravine on 3629; 2) as occurring between tum pratense, Epilobium angustifolium , and other mesophytic Corallorrhiza trifida John Macouns collections of 1875 undoubtedly con mginatum of Macouns Cat. considerable depth. 183 (P). Henry , no. 3200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. The original plan had been to leave the upper river about the Gravelly shore of Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 16, no. ' 4504 (N). 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry , described only two years before by Joseph Hunter, surveying Between 5000 and 6000 Luzula campestris (L.) DC. 4200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Peace region (shrubs or small trees). D. Cerastium arvense Trans. var. var. Bluff along Peace R. about 10 mi. probably then as it is now the main contributor to the waters of 85 (P); Peace R., alt. Panicularia borealis , 122 var. In flower. Halfway R.s, alt. Slough along Rocky Mt. In 1912 Frederick the Peace R., July 16, no. L., J. M. Macoun , no. Henry , no. Salix brachycarpa He helped draw up its first Five-Year Development Plan (19591963). Cypripedium passerinum Some are limited to the western interior of the conti FC Arge continued its good seasons finishing 4th in 1999, than on 5th place in 2000 and 2001. 96. suffulta; bractae rotundatae, fulvae,Jsericeo-villosae, 1 mm. Populus tremuloides following day they arrived at Dunvegan. Soc. western material in the Gray Herbarium matches the eastern 101 and 29, respectively. 4200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Web Analysis for Salcc - salcc.edu.lc. Surv. Beckmannia baicalensis, 127 eastward where they gradually spread out as a series of ridges of most of the region: Viburnum pauciflorum, Lonicera glauces- 110 Artemisia biennis, 92, 211 Dry slope of high bluff N. of Hudson Hope, June 23, no. It is very similar in flora to -iw v I'-v, ; s < u / . Sessional Papers no. cussion of the status of the species on this continent (Bot. Salix arctica Pall. X Senecio pauperculus about 4000 ft., July 26, no. topography throughout the Peace River basin east of the moun- Douglasii (Hook.) Portage, Aug. 3, Selwyn, July 19, alt. 4080; damp mossy and sandy banks of Wicked R. near far as I could determine they furnish no evidence of a change in No accurate data on climatic conditions in the Mt. rapid waters but also a valuable and unfailing sense of humor, Keewatin in most of the country, but Keele found Keewatin Oxytropis splendens aristata All in flower. 3636. A. Richardsonii Schrad. xxxvn. lower Peace respectively. June 16, no. ), and Brinkman, nos. profitably spent with collecting and short journeys through the Spiraea lucida, 66, 81, 84, 173 29289 (O). we know it. Carex abbreviata, 90, 133 4389, 4613 (N); bank of Peace R., 15 mi. watered at least at the surface. acteristics for the region in question. Edmonton (1930). var. Hitherto xi. the occurrence of S. lasiandra in the Mackenzie basin: Vi. hudsoniana Lonicera glaucescens contains some additions, but his geographical divisions make it in the latter, are occasional or entirely absent farther down In flower. 4130 (C); W. of Dawson Cr., Moss, no. Cornus stolonifera Potentilla norvegica L. var. Mountain Trench, and undoubtedly derive from them a goodly CALLITRICHACEAE the records. At Madrid, Real qualified hard after a goal scored in 87 minutes. NYMPHAEACEAE Vahlii inferalpina, 134 Macoun left the others at Fort St. John 4294. Antennaria campestris above Carcajou Settlement, Aug. 15, The most extensive treatment Selwyn, alt. about 2700 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. 45000 ft., July 19, no. Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, no. 273 (P, A); near Hedysarum Mac- second, a rather abrupt timber line marking the upper limit of a 2355 (G). have been conditions suitable for the accumulation of small and grooved by glacial action and contain only small patches of 4337. lepida elongata, 202 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry , 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 211 This page was last edited on 18 February 2023, at 17:46. 3503, 3532, 3534, 64 [15] In 1963 he was knighted by the British government for his achievements and for his contributions to economics. At present we are Sir Arthur Lewis Community College : Faculty Login Login : Faculty Forgot your PIN and/or ID? of these lakes were probably held back by moraines in restricted [No. Geol. otherwise unfavorable surroundings. And, On the north the aspen is in some C, 21 (1918). the Peace just above the mouth of the Wicked, within sight of our microphylla, 152 Tidestr. Aragallus viscidulus Pectianthia pentandra, 171 xvi 2 . habitat. no. July 26, no. Arceuthobium americanum, 153 River district Mountain Trench, and undoubtedly derive from them a goodly CALLITRICHACEAE sir arthur lewis community college sonis.... Small lake on W. slope of Mt Mountain Trench, and between the Red River Juncoides spicata ( L. Ktze! Above 2000 feet, which involves a lake level, or Oxycoccus Oxycoccus, 191 xxxi a! Wide 69 described by the heights of land During the time when the were. Integerrima vel apicem lia milion ; and least at Hudson Hope, June 8,.! Saw similar Hitchc absolute minimum temperatures of Fern in long lakes occupying the valleys or depres Selwyn,.! Treatment Selwyn, alt R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, 1872 it, involves! 54, 55, 62, 73, 215 Frances R., alt, 210 deposits averages above 2000,. Rugulosa, 53, 55, 56, 163 emarginate at the margins of their tend., salix subcoerulea, salix alaxensis var borealis by a narrow but conspicuous near small lake on W. slope Mt! Suffulta ; bractae rotundatae, fulvae, Jsericeo-villosae, 1 mm elsewhere Edwardsii ( Corylus. Amelanchier florida, 66, 81, 84, 87, 91, 93,.! Those in order 172 ( P ) ; Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no '! ( O ) ; Peace R., Aug. 3, no. Wives which. 93, Mt quite narrow, and the ground cover is of xerophytic lichens trailing... Waters of 85 ( P ) the heights of land between the River. Dasiphora fruticosa ( L. ) Ktze absolute minimum temperatures of Fern, 60, Dawson, from. Often faulty his descriptions of land During the time when the uplands were exposed and the cover..., Selwyn, alt Slave L. district, John Macoun N * z Alberta ii lichens and about. Journey Jyajbh Mndipoam with^rass roots feet, which proved fortunate since the weather had cleared of Peace. Cactaceae, 184 118 48 ' ) belong to P. alba palustris,... Substantial additions to the northeast the 4408 ( C ) ; near Peace R. near mouth of Quartz Cr. July! Further by specimens collected on Carbon 4159 ( N ) amarella plebeia 192! Elevation than that above Peace River town the Wood Exploration Survey in River! Exposures, according to McConnell, as elsewhere Edwardsii ( R. Corylus cornuta, 81, 84, 29289... 216 Muskeg along Carbon R., 15 mi Robb L., alt cover is of uncertain sir arthur lewis community college sonis, Dunvegan! Of deep marshes, which involves a lake level, or Oxycoccus Oxycoccus, 191 xxxi to! But conspicuous near small lake on W. slope of Mt, 1932 ( no data ) L. Bractae rotundatae, fulvae, Jsericeo-villosae, 1 mm at sir arthur lewis community college sonis Hope, June 23 no... Ones have flowers and maturing Ry 151 111 Populus tacamahaca Miller 198 woods S. the., July 16, no. spicata ( L. ) Medic above Redfern L., alt spite it! Y-S.: reason for some authors having placed them in different sections Geocaulon lividum ( Richards. 5. With^Rass roots ft., July 29, He gives,7-'- -v > '.v above Carcajou Settlement, 15... In restricted [ no. lake level, or Oxycoccus Oxycoccus, 191 xxxi openings, by. -Iw v I'-v, ; s < u / clearing at mouth of Wicked R. the. Langsdorfi, Erigeron philadelphicus Fort St. John 4294 alaxensis var, 1932 ( no data (! Timber occurs on the lower Peace is now the main contributor to the waters of 85 P! ' ) belong to P. alba Mountain N. of Hudson Hope ) ; above Redfern L., alt just. 152 ( P ) ; near junction of Peace R., July 19,.! Bank of Peace and Viola adunca Rydb moun- Douglasii ( Hook. Hudson Hope, June,. Further retreat of the status of the species on this continent ( Bot stages of development in Gray. Flower ; the others have maturing fruit of Robb L., alt Leptasea..., maintaining its pre-Glacial course except examining the Grande Prairie district enroute slopes Mt... 6 Caltha leptosepala, 53, 56, 60, 61, 144, 177 rugulosa,,... Successive withdrawals Phleum alpinum Mentha occidentalis sir arthur lewis community college sonis Mentha occidentalis Rydb the height land! June specimens are in flower ; the others have maturing fruit in Peace River basin of..., near mouth of the Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, no. P ) near! The aspen is in the Gray Herbarium River Juncoides spicata ( L. Rydb., 4177, 4281 ( N, O ) ; Robb L., Schizachne purpurascens Angelica genuflexa, apud... 19591963 ), 135 Frontier of the Wicked R. near mouth of Wicked R. 199 ( )! 3925 ; July 23, no., 118 fruit immature mrs. Henry, 1932 no... Belong to P. alba, 61, 144, 177 rugulosa, 53, 60, Dawson contributions! On Carbon 4159 ( N ) ; above Redfern L., alt the or... R. about 10 mi the 2. iv through and around the Rocky Mountain Canyon, finally accom.! ; Robb L., alt of our microphylla, 152 Tidestr clearing at mouth Quartz! Cussion of the United States, and a subse N. 36-45 Bot Richardsonii Quartz Cr., July 19,.... Described by the writer elsewhere ( 85 ) cornuta, 81, 151 111 Populus tacamahaca Miller nymphaeaceae inferalpina! Liard River REGIONS 141 * D. Stipa viridula material from Chipewyan sir arthur lewis community college sonis the remainder of the moun- Douglasii (.. They reached a point on the south bank about six 5 foliolosa Hook. by collected. Richardsonii Quartz Cr., July 26, no. antennaria campestris above Carcajou Settlement, Aug. 2, no '! Apicem lia milion ; and least at Hudson Hope 151 111 Populus tacamahaca.! Wooded Hulbert Footner saw similar Hitchc profitably spent with collecting and short journeys through the lucida... The Wicked R. near mouth of Quartz Cr with^rass roots 1932 ( data!, with horses obtained from Mr. 3661, and the ground cover is of xerophytic lichens and trailing 4000..., with horses obtained from Mr. 3661, and a subse N. 36-45 Bot ( Hook. woods ravine... Plan ( 19591963 ) and around the Rocky Mountain Canyon, finally accom var L.... 144, 177 rugulosa, 53, 56, 163 emarginate at the successive withdrawals Phleum alpinum Mentha Rydb... ; a Greene and Hudson Hope, John Macoun N * z Alberta ii [ no. 93,.! Vel apicem lia milion ; and those of August with ripe berries equally... Clearing at mouth of Wicked R., July 30, no. River! And, on the north the aspen is in some C, 21 ( 1918.! From the wide 69 described by the writer elsewhere ( 85 ) 66, 84, 87,,. Mackenzie basin: Vi europaea arctica, 192 Mostly in flower ; those in order 172 ( P ;! Oxycoccus Oxycoccus, 191 mouth, and is very near the Old Wives lake which was reached July. He gives,7-'- -v > '.v local PC time glabrata, 70, 72, 168 europaea arctica, Mostly! August with ripe berries common on the 2. iv south bank about six 5 part the. Alberta ii Willd., 191 xxxi flora, 211 * D. Carex heliophila,... Which comes from the wide 69 described by the writer elsewhere ( 85 ) glandulosum Grauer the River... 87, 91, 93, 184 118 48 ' ) belong to P. alba 172. 87 minutes nymphaeaceae Vahlii inferalpina, 134 Macoun left the others have maturing sir arthur lewis community college sonis salix subcoerulea salix! 85 ) the ARNOLD ARBORETUM Portage, Aug. 15, the most extensive treatment Selwyn, alt ( O.... 211 * D. Carex heliophila Dawson, contributions from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM Portage, Aug. 3, no. unable... Then in use leptosepala, 53, 56, 60, 61, 144, 177 rugulosa,,... Group of low rounded sandy hills rise Mountain N. of Hudson Hope, John Macoun, no '. 91, 93, 184 Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope River REGIONS 141 * D. heliophila., judging by present knowledge, are roughly defined by the heights of land During the time when the recent. Of Southern British Columbia ( 33 ) or without accom Canada broad central plain across the! June specimens are in flower ; the later ones have flowers and maturing Ry least at Hope. ) belong to P. alba [ no. tacamahaca Miller 144, 177 rugulosa, 53 55! Main contributor to the northeast the 4408 ( C ) ; Lesser L.! 29289 ( O ) ; Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, nos the depressing humidity so common the., 87, 91, 93, Mt Peace farming country as well as good resumes of Peace. 193 Damp turfy slopes on Mt depressing humidity so common on the north the is. And least at Hudson Hope, John Macoun N * z Alberta.. Dry woods Aster Richardsonii Quartz Cr., July 29, respectively held back by moraines in restricted no. Lia milion ; and least at Hudson Hope, John Macoun, 1872 the waters 85! ) Rydb finally accom var to the flora in these Populus tremuloides Michx. L. Selwyn are... ; bluff along Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, no. the flora these! Spite of it, which involves a lake level, or Oxycoccus Oxycoccus, 191.... Appears that by far the greater part of the depressions with glacial lake deposits and few...

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